Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Bromeliads are beautiful showy plants that require a limited amount of care. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and are fairly tolerant plants.

Here are some of our favorite varieties.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is upon us this week. We know the things that Moms say about receiving Mother's Day Gifts...."Don't waste your money"...."I have everything I need"...."I don't want anything".
It is Mom's day to be spoiled and pampered, even if you hear hear those utterances from her.

Here are some of our favorites-

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Orchid Plants

I love orchid plants. They are unparalleled in beauty, elegance, and longevity of bloom. Many people shy away from them because they feel they are a difficult plant to care. Most orchids grown for production are easy to care for and do not require heroic acts to keep them alive and thriving.  

Here are some beautiful Phaleanopsis Orchid plants-

Phaleanopsis orchids do not like to be over watered. Generally speaking, once a week works well in most homes. Do not re-pot orchids during their bloom. Orchids can be re-potted after they have finished blooming and need to potted in an orchid bark or medium and never potting soil. Do not place your orchid in direct sunlight, bright diffused sunlight is best. Orchid plants like temperatures between 62 and 80 degrees. Lastly, be sure to feed your plant with a good quality orchid fertilizer once a month.

Below are some Cymbidium orchid plants.

                                                                                                                                                                   The care of the Cymbidium orchids is somewhat similar to the care of the Phaleanopsis orchid, but requires more water during the time the plant is blooming. While the plant is blooming, the soil should be kept moist and drier when not blooming. The Cymbidium is more tolerant of cool temperatures and can withstand temperatures and low as 40 degrees. Fertilize with good quality orchid fertilizer twice monthly when the plant is not blooming.
Enjoy the beauty of your orchids.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Spring is here and Easter is on it's way. There are some great ways to bring the outdoors in to make your home feel fresh and alive. Natural elements such as moss and branches are inexpensive an can add a lot of drama. Fresh flowers always sing spring! Here are some tablescape examples that we love!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wedding Bouquet Styles

So you are planning your big day and selecting the style of your bridal bouquet is a decision you will have to make. The style of your bouquet should be a reflection of your wedding dress style, the theme of your wedding, and even your body shape. A magnificent bridal bouquet will complete and compliment your wedding day ensemble.

The Hand Tied-

The Round Bouquet-

The Cascade-

The Pomander

The Arm Bouquet

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Valentine's Day

Some great alternatives to roses for Valentine's Day if that special someone doesn't love roses.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cut Flower Care

"How long will be my floral arrangement last?" is a question we hear frequently. There have been so many hours of labor and effort involved in planting, growing, cutting, shipping, selecting, designing, and delivering your floral arrangement, it would be a shame not to maintain them properly once they arrive at your door. Yes, they do require care once they have been cut and designed and your effort will pay off in prolonging the life of your flowers.
When you receive your flowers be sure the container or vase is full of water. Stay on this path- fresh water everyday is vital. Bacteria is the enemy of fresh flowers. Bacteria can block stems and inhibits water absorption.If you are provided a packet of flower food, use as directed. Dissolving an aspirin in the water is also effective in prolonging the life of your flowers. Remove any wilted or decaying foliage or flowers.
If your arrangement is designed in a vase, a fresh cut to the the bottom of the stems is optimal. If your arrangement is in floral foam, make sure the foam is wet and the container is sufficiently filled with water.
Keeping your arrangement in a cool spot out of direct sun is best. Keep them away from heating sources and do not place on top of appliances.
Lastly, enjoy the beauty of your flowers.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Valentine's Day

Yes, Valentine's Day is right around the corner and the dilemma of what to buy your Sweetheart begins. Flowers are a tried and true alternative, but maybe your Honey doesn't like traditional.
Floral styles have progressed and there are great options for someone who doesn't like the thought of flowers dying in a few days.
Orchid plants are beautiful, long lasting, and make a statement!