I love orchid plants. They are unparalleled in beauty, elegance, and longevity of bloom. Many people shy away from them because they feel they are a difficult plant to care. Most orchids grown for production are easy to care for and do not require heroic acts to keep them alive and thriving.
Here are some beautiful Phaleanopsis Orchid plants-
Phaleanopsis orchids do not like to be over watered. Generally speaking, once a week works well in most homes. Do not re-pot orchids during their bloom. Orchids can be re-potted after they have finished blooming and need to potted in an orchid bark or medium and never potting soil. Do not place your orchid in direct sunlight, bright diffused sunlight is best. Orchid plants like temperatures between 62 and 80 degrees. Lastly, be sure to feed your plant with a good quality orchid fertilizer once a month.
Below are some Cymbidium orchid plants.
The care of the Cymbidium orchids is somewhat similar to the care of the Phaleanopsis orchid, but requires more water during the time the plant is blooming. While the plant is blooming, the soil should be kept moist and drier when not blooming. The Cymbidium is more tolerant of cool temperatures and can withstand temperatures and low as 40 degrees. Fertilize with good quality orchid fertilizer twice monthly when the plant is not blooming.
Enjoy the beauty of your orchids.
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